Bryanston Square, St. Marylebone, Improvement Act 1814

JurisdictionEngland & Wales
Citation1814 c. v
An Ad for the Improvement o£ Bryanfion Square,
in theParilh oi Saint Mary-Ie-Bone, in the County
of Middkfex. [^th
HEREAS Part of the Ground within
Square, in
the Parifh of
in the County of Middle/ex,
hath been enelofed with Iron Rails* and laid out as a Garden
or Pleafure Ground, and other Part remains to be enelofed and laid out
in the fame Manner, but no Proviiion has been made for raifing .Money
for enclofing and making the Garden, or for keeping up and embellifliing
the fame: And whereas it would be of great Advantage and Convenience
to the Occupiers and Inhabitants of the feveral Houfes eredtedand to be
erefted within the faid Square, if all the Garden Ground were
be fo
•enelofed ss aforefaid, and kept
as a Garden or Pleafure Ground for
their Ufe, and were otherwife embelliflied, and atfo if the Carriage Way
-within the faid Square were watered, and a fufficient Number of Lamps
affixed to the faid Iron Rails for more. effe&ually lighting the
riage Way ; and the faid Occupiers are willing and defirous that a fuffi-
-cient Sum of Money mould be raifed and borrowed to defray the Ex^-
and a Rate affefled upon themfelves to pay the Intereft of
fuch' Money fo raifed and borrowed, and alfo fufficient for keeping up the
faid Garden or Pleafure Ground in the faid Square, ami otherwife em-
bellifliing the fame, and for watering and lighting the Carriage-way of
the faid Square, but the fame as well as the neceffary Powers for pre-
venting Nuifances and Annoyances in the faid Square cannot be effected
or obtained without the Aid of Parliament: May it therefore pleafe Your
Majefty that it may be enacted; and be it ena&ed, by the King's mod
Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords
Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament
affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That Edward
Efquire, and fuch Perfon or Perfons who for the Time being pointed.
&Per.l O wall
54 S4°GEORGII III. Cap.%.
fbalj or may feifed of or entitled to any Eftate of Freehold or Inheritance
of and in the faid Garden or Fleafure Ground fo enclofed as aforefaid,
together with the (JKJCU piers for the Time being of thefeveral Houfes
alre&dy built, or w&ich, #atl or ma^ be hereafter b&uflt, encompafling or
abusing upon the fajd .Square m the JEaik Weft, and .'North Sides
ihall be ft^^y^e hereby appointed Tiofteas for carding this
Afti.inco Execution.
Firft and II. And be it further enafted, That the faid Truftees, or any Three or
other Meet- more 0f tnenij (hall, within Sixty Days after the paffing of this Aft, meet
S IU together at
h?j Montagu
-within the faid Parifh of Saint Mary
at fuch Time as they ftiall think proper, and proceed in the Exe-
cution of this Aft, and fliall then, and from Time to Time, and at all
Times afterwards, meet at the Place herein-before mentioned, or at any
other Place or Places within the faid Parifh of
fuch Times and as often (with Power to adjourn fuch Meetings from
Time to Time) as the faid Truftees, or any Three or more of them,
fliarl think proper and neceffary for carrying this Aft into Execution;
and if at any fuch Meeting or Adjourned Meeting there fliall not appear
a fufficient Number of fuch Truftees as are herein enabled to aft at fuch
Meeting, then and in every fuch Cafe the Clerk to the faid Truftees fliall
fummon the faid Truftees to meet at the Place where fuch Meeting was
appointed to hevholden,: within Ten Days next after the Day
fuch fleeting was to have'been holden, and io from Time to Time until
a fufficient Number of tfie faid Truftees fliall meet agreeably to the Direc-
tions of this Aft, and the faid Truftees fliall at all their Meetings defray
their own Expences.
JH. And be it further enafted, That if, after any Meeting to be holden
Emergenciei. as aforefaid, or after any Adjournment of any Meeting as aforefaid, it
fliall at any Time or Times be thought neceffary that a Meeting of the
feid Truftees fhould-be
on an earlier Day than that on which fuch
.Meeting was' to hpve
-holdenj or to which fuch Meeting fliall have
been adjourned, ihtnrmd in every fuch Cafe the Clerk for-the Time
being to the faid Trwftees, (an Qrder in Writing being figned by Three
or more of the faid Truftees, fpecMying therein the Time, Place, and Pur-
pofes of fuch earlier Meeting, knd being given to him, or left at his laft
or 'iifual Place of Abode) fliall forthwith give Notice of the Meeting to
be holden on fudti earlier Day
Manner herein-after direfted, and of the
Time, Place, andPurpofes
as fpecified in the faid Order, fuch
Time not being lefs than Two*Daya after fuch Notice; and all the Pro-
ceedings of the faid Truftees at fuch earlier Meeting fliall be as good and
valid as, they would have been in cafe fuch Truftees had met at any re-
gular Meeting, or in purfuance of any Adjournment.
IV. And be it further enafted, That no Aft of the faid Truftees fliall
unlefs at
be or be deemed good and valid, unlefs the fame be done at fome Meet-
Meeting, of jng t0 be holden in purfuance of this Aft, of which Notice in Writing,
or Panted, and figned by the Clerk to the faid Truftees, or with his
' Name printed thereto, fliall be given to or left for the faid Truftees at
their feveral ufual or laft Places of Abode; and that all the Powers and
Authorities by this Aft granted to or veiled in the faid Truftees, fliall
and may from Time to Time be exercifed by the major Part of thera
who fliall attend at any Meeting to be holden as herein direfted, the
7 Number

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