Allstate Fire & Cas. Ins. Co. v. LSP Prods. Grp., Inc.

Decision Date29 May 2020
Docket NumberNo. 77653,77653
Citation464 P.3d 123 (Table)
Parties ALLSTATE FIRE AND CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY; Allstate Indemnity Company; Allstate Insurance Company; Allstate Texas Lloyd's ; Allstate Vehicle and Property Insurance Company; Auto Club Indemnity Company ; California Automobile Insurance Company; California Capital Insurance Company; CSAA Affinity Insurance Company, f/k/a Keystone Insurance Company; CSAA Fire & Casualty Insurance Company, f/k/a ACA Insurance Company; CSAA Insurance Exchange, f/k/a AAA Northern California Nevada Utah Insurance Exchange; Erie Insurance Company; Erie Insurance Exchange; Garrison Property and Casualty Insurance Company ; General Insurance Company of America; Interinsurance Exchange of the Automobile Club; Liberty Insurance Corporation; Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Company; LM Insurance Corporation; Mercury Casualty Company; Ohio Security Insurance Company; Safeco Insurance Company of America; Safeco Insurance Company of Illinois; the Cincinnati Insurance Company; United Services Automobile Association; USAA Casualty Insurance Company; USAA General Indemnity Company; Westfield Insurance Company; and Westfield National Insurance Company, Appellants, v. LSP PRODUCTS GROUP, INC., Respondent.
CourtNevada Supreme Court

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1 cases
  • Liberty Ins. Corp. v. LSP Prods. Grp., Inc.
    • United States
    • U.S. District Court — Eastern District of Michigan
    • January 3, 2022
    ...appeal, the Nevada Supreme Court upheld the conditions of the Nevada district court's order. Allstate Fire & Cas. Ins. v. LSP Prod. Grp. , 464 P.3d 123 (Nev. 2020) (unpublished table decision).On September 16, 2020, Plaintiffs refiled their civil action in the Tenth Circuit Court of Michiga......

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