People v. Torres

Citation142 N.Y.S.3d 825 (Mem),193 A.D.3d 988
Decision Date21 April 2021
Docket Number2018–14919,Ind. No. 1867/17
Parties The PEOPLE, etc., respondent, v. Samuel TORRES, appellant.
CourtNew York Supreme Court Appellate Division

Janet E. Sabel, New York, N.Y. (Whitney Elliott of counsel), for appellant.

Melinda Katz, District Attorney, Kew Gardens, N.Y. (Johnnette Traill, William H. Branigan, and Matthew C. Harnisch of counsel), for respondent.



Appeal by the defendant from a judgment of the Supreme Court, Queens County (Barry Kron, J.), rendered November 15, 2017, convicting him of criminal possession of stolen property in the fourth degree, upon his plea of guilty, and imposing sentence.

ORDERED that the matter is remitted to the Supreme Court, Queens County, to afford the defendant an opportunity to move to vacate his plea of guilty in accordance herewith, and thereafter for a report to this Court limited to the Supreme Court's findings with respect to whether the defendant has moved to vacate his plea of guilty and whether he has established his entitlement to the withdrawal of his plea, and the appeal is held in abeyance pending receipt of the Supreme Court's report, which shall be filed with all convenient speed.

The defendant contends that he was denied due process of law because he is not a United States citizen and, as the People concede, the Supreme Court failed to address the possibility of deportation as a consequence of the defendant's plea of guilty (see People v. Peque, 22 N.Y.3d 168, 980 N.Y.S.2d 280, 3 N.E.3d 617 ; People v. Ulanov, 188 A.D.3d 1271, 132 N.Y.S.3d 812 ; People v. Arana, 179 A.D.3d 826, 113 N.Y.S.3d 893 ; People v. Mohamed, 171 A.D.3d 796, 97 N.Y.S.3d 188 ).

"A defendant seeking to vacate a plea based on this failure must demonstrate that there is a ‘reasonable probability’ that he or she would not have entered a plea of guilty and would instead have gone to trial had the court warned of the possibility of deportation" ( People v. Arana, 179 A.D.3d at 826–827, 113 N.Y.S.3d 893 ). Here, in the absence of the warning required under People v. Peque, 22 N.Y.3d at 176, 980 N.Y.S.2d 280, 3 N.E.3d 617, we remit the matter to the Supreme Court, Queens County, to afford the defendant an opportunity to move to vacate his plea, and thereafter for a report to this Court limited to the Supreme Court's findings with respect to whether the defendant has moved to vacate his plea...

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1 cases
  • People v. Stanislaus
    • United States
    • New York Supreme Court Appellate Division
    • April 21, 2021
    ...193 A.D.3d 988142 N.Y.S.3d 829 (Mem)The PEOPLE, etc., respondent,v.Baruch STANISLAUS, appellant.2018–12540Ind. No. 8585/17Supreme Court, Appellate Division, Second Department, New York.Submitted—April 5, 2021April 21, 2021Paul Skip Laisure, New York, N.Y. (Tammy E. Linn of counsel), for app......

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