New York
- New York Court of Appeals Court of Appeals
- New York Supreme Court — Appellate Division
- New York Supreme Court
- New York Children's Court
- New York City Court
- New York City Municipal Court
- New York Civil Court
- New York County Court
- New York Court of Claims
- New York Court of General Sessions
- New York Court of Special Sessions
- New York Court on the Judiciary
- New York Criminal Court
- New York Domestic Relations Court
- New York Family Court
- New York Justice Court
- New York Magistrate Court
- New York Recorder's Court
- New York Supreme Court — Appellate Term
- New York Surrogate Court
- New York Town Court
- New York Traffic Court
- New York Villiage Court
- New York District Court
- Superior Court of New York
Report Series
- New York Supplement, second series (N.Y.S.2d) (684312)
- New York Supplement, Third Series (N.Y.S.3d) (152559)
- New York Reports, Second Series (N.Y.2d) (121091)
- New York Reports, Third Series (N.Y.3d) (97386)
- North Eastern Reporter, third series (N.E.3d) (62818)
- North Eastern Reporter, second series (N.E.2d) (51180)
- New York Miscellaneous Reports, Second Series (Misc.2d) (48457)
- New York Reports (N.Y.) (21445)
- North Eastern Reporter (N.E.) (17465)
- New York Miscellaneous Reports, Third Series (Misc.3d) (16089)
- New York Supplement (N.Y.S.) (9063)
- New York Miscellaneous Reports (Misc.) (3644)
- Federal Supplement, third series (F.Supp.3d) (90)
- International Law Reports (80)
- Federal Reporter, second series (F.2d) (9)
- Lloyd's Law Reports (2)
- North Western Reporter (N.W.) (2)
- South Dakota Reports (S.D.) (2)
- Atlantic Reporter, second series (A.2d) (1)
- Federal Supplement, second series (F.Supp.2d) (1)
- Illinois Appellate Court Reports, Third Series (Ill.App.3d) (1)
- Illinois Decisions (Ill.Dec.) (1)
- Tennessee Reports (Tenn.) (1)
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