268. An ordinance defining the duties of the board of public
works, establishing departments under their control, fixing
the number of employes, and the salaries of the same.
it ordained by the common council of Kansas City:
1. The duties of the board of public works shall be to meet
at its office at least once a week in open session to
consider and take under advisement such business as may come
before it. Said board shall employ at least one engineer, who
shall be known as the city engineer, and it shall appoint
such additional engineers, inspectors, clerks, assistants
and other persons as may be necessary, subject to removal at
the will of the board, for cause, by a vote of three-fourths
of said board, and all employes shall give bond as is now
required or may hereafter be required by ordinance.
2. Said board shall supervise the grading and paving of all
streets, avenues, alleys and public grounds; the cleaning,
sprinkling, repairing and improving of all streets, alleys
and public places; the construction, altering and repairing
of all bridges, culverts, receiving basins, sewers, drains
and water courses within said city; the laying of gas and
water pipes through any street or alley, and the issuing of
permits for connecting with any gas, sewer or water pipes;
the laying down and repairing of all sidewalks, crosswalks,
curbing and guttering; the construction of all vaults under
any portion of said streets; the construction, alteration and
removal of all buildings, houses, barns, stables, fences and
other similar improvements upon lots and lands within the
limits of the city, and the issue of permits therefor. The
construction and repair of the city hall, engine-houses and
other public buildings in the city.
3. It shall be the duty of the board of public works to
purchase all supplies and material needed by the city in its
several departments. In all cases where the cost of said
supplies and material shall exceed the sum of $ 500, it shall
be the duty of said board to advertise for proposals for such
supplies and materials, and they shall award the contract to
the lowest and best bidder, requiring a bond for the
fulfillment of the contract: Provided that the board shall
have the right to reject any and all bids, if not deemed
satisfactory, and re-advertise in like manner as at first.
When the cost of such supplies or material shall not exceed
the sum of $ 500, the board may make such purchases in
whatsoever manner they may deem for the best interests of the
4. It shall be the duty of the board to divide or classify
the various works or interests under its control into
departments, so far as may be, and keep an accurate account
of each branch, showing the amount expended for original
improvements and constructions, and the amount for repairs,
superintendence and other expenditures, exhibiting the source
of expenditure; to make a report in writing to the common
council once every three months or oftener if required,
giving the expenditures of the different branches or
departments of the work under the control of said board and
embracing a statement of the condition, progress and
operation of the work under its charge; to furnish through
its president to the mayor and common council, or either
branch thereof, such data or information as may be from time
to time necessary to report; at the beginning of each fiscal
year to submit to the comptroller a statement of the
estimated amount required by said board for repairs and
improvements during the ensuing year; to keep books of
account showing with entire accuracy the receipts and
expenditures of the board in such manner as to enable the
same to be understood and investigated, and also to preserve
on file in his office duplicate vouchers for all its
expenditures, which books and duplicates shall at all times
be open to the examination of the comptroller, finance
committee of the common council or any other committee
appointed by said council.
5. All contracts and official acts of the board of public
works shall be signed by the president or by two members of
the board, attested by the secretary under seal of the board.
6 (as amended). The board of public works is hereby
authorized to employ the following persons: Secretary, per
year, $ 1,800; chief clerk (purchasing agent), $ 1,500; clerk
(bookkeeper), $ 1,000.
7. Said board shall also exercise such other powers and
perform such other duties in the superintendence of public
work, improvements and repairs constructed by authority of
the common council of the city, or owned by the city, as may
be prescribed by ordinance. Said board shall make such rules
and regulations as may be necessary for the government of its
departments, not inconsistent with the charter or ordinances
of the city.
1. The following departments of the board of public works are
hereby established, viz.: The department of engineering, the
department of streets and alleys, and the department of
of Streets.
4 (as amended). The head of this department shall be the
superintendent of streets, with a salary of $ 2,000 per year;
clerk, $ 1,200; inspectors, not to exceed two in number, each
$ 1,000; carpenters, not to exceed five in number, while
employed, each per day $ 2.50; masons, not to exceed two in
number, while employed, each per day $ 3.50; pavers, not to
exceed four in number, while employed, each per day $ 2.75;
foremen, not to exceed six in number, while employed, each
per day $ 2.50; laborers, not to exceed one hundred in
number, while employed, each per day $ 2; teams and drivers,
not to exceed thirty in number, for team and driver, while
employed, each per day $ 3.50.
5. It shall be the duties of the department of streets to
have charge of the repairs of all streets and alleys, to
repair all bridges, sidewalks and curbing, to construct all
street crossings and to repair the same and to have charge of
the cleaning and sprinkling of streets. It shall have charge
of the repairs of sewers and catch-basins and the erection of
all telegraph, telephone and electric light poles. It shall
also have the supervision of all excavations and fillings
made for the laying of gas and water pipes, the repairing of
sewers, or for any other purpose whatsoever in the streets
and alleys in the city. It shall have charge and control of
all implements and teams employed in such work, of all tools
and implements issued for such work, and to do such other
things as may be from time to time required by the board of
public works.